About me

My Name is Zafar. I am a software engineer who loves what he does. Distributed systems, in-memory computation, scalability, machine learning, Linux and context aware computing is something I like to discuss and do. You can find my blog. My G+ page is here

You will find here what I love to do on my spare time and some ideas and code. Below listed are projects I am working.


It aims to implement context-aware organizer. In short it provides an Android app where you can track growth of your plants. It uses modular server side and connects to sensors (in development). Learn more at https://github.com/zafarella/caao

OS X Ram disk

Have you ever wanted your IntelliJ, PyCharm, WebShtorm and other IDE work faster? Do you want browse web pages faster? If so, you should find this small script very useful. It will add more enjoyable moments on what you do. https://github.com/zafarella/OSX-RAMDisk

LaTex based resume

Are you in love with LaTex output and want your resume to look nice? Don't know which template to use or tired looking for something suitable? Look at this template. This is great one page resume with most important you can list https://github.com/zafarella/latex-resume-template

Others to be added as they come.